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RECAP: Merchants Receive Construction Overview

Over 20 Inner Sunset business owners were present at the August 31st ISMA meeting to hear first hand what should be expected during the next two years of infrastructure construction along Irving Street and 9th Avenue. Project Manager Mike Rieger began the meeting by providing a construction overview and discussing the schedule, possible impacts and strategies for mitigation to address concerns of merchants. This project is not only the transit area improvements but will include sewer pipe relining, auxiliary high-pressure fire-hydrant supply pipes for earthquakes (AWSS), standard fire hydrant pipes replacement, new drinking water supply lines, underground fiber optic cabling, crosswalk flashing beacons in select locations, roadway repaving, and new curb ramps and bulb-outs. The project will begin in September 2017 and take approximately two years. Multiple crews will work from 19th Avenue eastward and Arguello westward simultaneously. Work on the transit improvement portion of the project is scheduled to begin this coming weekend, September 8th.

Most of the work will be in the roadway and not on the sidewalk. The below ground work will be done in one block segments and will result in parking space losses on one side of the block, but only during working hours. After 5 pm, the work area will be covered with plates and vehicle parking in the affected area will become available. Full street closures are not anticipated. The plates will remain on the affected streets until all the sewer/water work is completed which will allow them to test the full system prior to repaving.

The Inner Sunset Merchants are working on strategies to draw shoppers and diners to the Inner Sunset during construction. We have also proposed a mechanism to increase the number of parking spaces available to shoppers during the lengthy construction period. The MTA is currently evaluating our proposal for implementation by the holidays. If you have suggestions for mitigating construction impacts please email ISMA at:

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