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We are using Instagram to promote neighborhood businesses and area events to generate more interest in the Inner Sunset. Here are four ways that ISMA can help you and your business on social media:

  1. If you don’t already have an Instagram account, get one! If you do have an account, then be sure to let us know your Instagram account name so we can follow your account and repost what you’re spotlighting about your business. Be sure to follow us and we’ll follow you back!

  2. When posting, use hashtags! You know, those words with the “#” symbol? These are used by people on social media to find things they’re interested in. We suggest using tags that describe your business and using the #innersunsetmerchants and the #innersunset hashtags in all of your posts. This helps because people often follow hashtags on social media, and we really want people to see our members in that feed!

  3. “Repost” Instagram posts. Use the “Repost” app available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play store. Instagram doesn’t have a button to do Reposts so you have to get another app (I know, right?). It’s super easy to use. If you let us know your account name (see Step 1), we can repost posts of your business in our account to help expand your reach. We have been doing this for a few weeks now with some success!

  4. Let us know about your events! Email us at to let us us know about your upcoming event so that we can promote it for you on our Instagram feed. Recently a local restaurant hosted an event that drew people from all across the Bay Area to our neighborhood, and we helped spread the word by “reposting” that business’s post, and taking photos (see Step 3).

Social media can help promote an image for your business, and for our neighborhood. Not all businesses need to post something every single moment, but all should at least have some basic contact information and some nice photos that illustrate what their business does in the social media era. ISMA wants to be a resource to help you and help the neighborhood!

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Contact ISMA

Inner Sunset Merchants Association
P. O. Box 225057
San Francisco, CA 94122

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© 2017 Inner Sunset Merchants Association

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