To support the start of construction of the Inner Sunset Streetscape Project, the N Judah will require bus substitution from Church and Duboce to Ocean Beach during weekends starting in September. Dates are set for Sept. 8-11, Sept. 15-18 and Sept. 22-25. Additional dates will take place later in the fall. The weekend bus substitution will begin on Friday at 7:30 p.m. until end of Sunday service Monday morning. During this time, N Judah train service will operate from Church and Duboce to 4th and King. Bus shuttles will be rerouted to Frederick Street and Lincoln Way between Cole and 7th Avenue, making stops at 7 Haight/Noriega stops within that stretch. We will continue to provide project updates. For the latest information, visit sfmta.com/innersunset or contact 311. For assistance, contact Dadisi Najib of SF Public Works at 415.558.5281, via email at dadisi.najib@sfdpw.org or Jay Lu of SFMTA Communications at 415.701.4387, via email at jay.lu@sfmta.com.
ISMA will have construction representatives attending our monthly meetings, so please plan to attend and have your questions addressed in person.